Жорж Сёра в музеях.
Жорж Сёра в музеях.
Жорж Сёра
Картины Ж.Сёра
в музеях и художественных галереях
Ackland Art Museum at the University of North Carolina
Art Institute of Chicago
A Sunday on La Grande Jatte
Cleveland Museum of Art, Ohio
Study for «Bathers at Asnieres»
Detroit Institute of Arts, Michigan
E.G. Buhrle Collection, Zurich
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Fitzwilliam Museum at the University of Cambridge, UK
Rue St. Vincent
J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles
Indianapolis Museum of Art, Indiana
The Channel of Gravelines, Petit Fort Philippe
Joconde Database of French Museum Collections (in French)
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Minneapolis Institute of Arts, Minnesota
Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
Young Woman Powdering Herself
Museum of Modern Art, New York
Evening, Honfleur
Museum of Modern Art, New York
Stone Breakers, Le Raincy
Musee d’Orsay, Paris
The Circus
National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C.
Norton Simon Museum, Pasadena, California
Philadelphia Museum of Art
Trombonist (Study for «Circus Side Show»)
Smith College Museum of Art, Massachusetts
Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam
Woman Singing in a Cafe Chantant
Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam
The Seine at Courbevoie